- Details
- Written by: Chris
- Category: Gaming Zarek
- Hits: 244
Hello and welcome to the G.O.O.D. stream on the GamingZarek Channel.
Today you are joing me for a playthrough of ShipBreaker.
ShipBreaker is a work simulation game where your character operates in orbit, breaking down and recycling starships.
So what makes this a Good Stream?
Good is an acronym: meaning Getting Out Of Debt. In real life I am about 30k in debt; at the start of the game, I'm only a billion dollars in debt.
Somedays those two numbers feel identical...
This stream will be broken up into smaller recordings to be uploaded on Rumble and Youtube. For those of you watching the VODs, please don't forget to like, share, and subscribe, it really helps me out.
Rumble Part 1
Rumble Part 2