Well, I assume the best way to tell you “about us” is to start with the name Peachoid Media Group. This website and the company is formed to administer the site, video posting platforms, social media outlets and more, for a group of individuals who have came together in a mutual supporting manner to aid each other in developing/producing streaming and video-on-demand content. The collaboration style project is where the “Group” part the name originates. Clearly producing live and recorded content is where the “Media” part of the name comes from. As for “Peachoid”, Christopher, the owner and founding member of the company was originally from Gaffney, a small town in the Upstate of South Carolina. A signature landmark of the area is the Peachoid Water Tower, a themed water tower constructed and painted to resemble a giant peach, peaches formally being a major export from the area.

The mission of the site is to be a platform to aid its Production-Members in growing their own content production channels. The website will provide forums, messaging systems and other resources to its Production-Members in order to establish, grow, and maintain their fan-base.

Peachoid Media Group LLC, the company, came into existence at the very end of 2017 to facilitate the bringing together of production equipment such as streaming computers, servers, and other tech, as well as real-property from which Production-Members can work from.