(10-26-2023; all links on this page are currently broken; this will be fixed as part of our upgrade process) 

This directory contains all of the completed videos.
The table is arranged with the newest videos always appearing at the top. Enjoy!

Channel Codes:

  • CV: Chris's Vlogs
  • FC: Fire Call
  • GZ: Gaming Zarek
  • BB: Bent Bolts
  • CCC: Cross Cut Crafters
  • MMN: Meme-Meme Nation
  • RR: Reading Reddit
  • NC: Nerds Cook
  • PMG: Peachoid Media Group: Note: PMG became CV
#: Channel Title Description Type
July 2022
53 CCC Tufting a Demolition Ranch Rug In today's video I tuft a rug from the crest of Demolitia; the fans of Demolition Ranch. Rug Tufting
52 CCC Making a Custom Fallout Vault Rug In today's video I take a piece of fan-art from the Fallout video game franchise and tuft a custom rug from it. Rug Tufting
June 2022
51 CCC Cross Cut Crafters Channel Update June 19th 2022 A local viewer helped us out and purchased a serger sewing machine for the channel. Here is a thank you to him and and unboxing video. Channel News/Update
50 CCC Cross Cut Crafters Channel Update June 18th 2022 Today's video is news and updates for the Cross Cut Crafters Channel. We speak on reaching some benchmarks/milestones; Outline the new milestones; make a few channel announcements; and click-bail everyone by using a kitty-cat in the thumbnail. Channel News/Update
49 CCC Tufting My First Rug Today I am proud to share with you my first tufted rug. This rug is the emblem for one of my local volunteer fire departments. After this rug was completed it was donated to the station. Rug Tufting
48 CCC Building a 2ft / 24in Tufting Frame In this video, I build a 2ft frame to use for rug tufting. Rug Tufting
47 CCC Building a 5ft / 60in Tufting Frame In this video, I build a 5ft frame to use for rug tufting. Rug Tufting
46 CCC Behind the Scenes: Lisa Gets Hers Holsters In two previous videos, I remake a pocket pistol holster for my friend Lisa after her puppy turns her old one into a chew-toy. Leathercraft
45 CCC Shop-Time: DIY Pocket Holster (Attempt #2) In this episode of Shop-Time I make a second attempt at making a DIY Pocket Holster because the first attempt's final product was not up to my standards. Leathercraft
44 CCC Shop-Time: DIY Pocket Holster (Attempt #1) In this episode of Shop-Time my friend Lisa brings me a pocket holster to repair. Leathercraft
May 2022
43 CCC Shop Time: DIY Shifter Boot In this episode of Shop Time, my friend Lisa brings me a project for the channel. We re-manufacture DIY-style the leather shifter boot for her car. Leathercraft; Automotive Repair
42 CCC Making the Makers ep.10: News-Boy Hat by DieselPunkRo In this episode of Making the Makers, we make the 8-Pannel News-Boy Cap pattern by DieselPunkRo. Leathercraft
April 2022
41 CCC Behind the Scenes: Mikey Gets His Hat In this Making the Makers behind-the-scenes clip, Mikey gets his DieselPunkRO News Boy Cap. Behind the Scenes
March 2022
40 CV Making a Wigs for Kids Hair Donation After a more than two and a half year effort, I am finally making my Wigs for Kids hair donation. Vlog
39 CCC Shop Time: How to add holes to Leather Goods Here are two different ways to add holes to your leather goods. Leathercraft
February 2022
38 CCC Making the Makers ep.9: Making a Life-Size Leather Skull In today's video I make the human-sized skull by LeatherHub. Leathercraft
January 2022
37 CV Winter Storm Izzy Time-lapse A time-lapse of Winter Storm Lzzy as viewed through my back door's glass. Time-lapse
October 2021
36 CCC Making the Makers ep.8: DieselPunkRO Dog Collar In this episode of Making the Makers, we make the Dog Collar pattern by Diesel Punk Ro.  Leathercraft
35 CCC Making the Makers ep.7: Leather Bat Mask by Creative Awl (small size) In this week's Making the Makers video, we make the small sized bat mask by Creative Awl. Leathercraft
34 CV User Request: More Minion I had a youtube commenter request more Minion, (my cat). So I uploaded this video on the Cross Cut Crafters Channel. Since it is not a content-spot, here on the PMG site, it is published in Chris's Vlogs. KITTY!
33 CCC Making the Makers ep.6 Small Skull by LeatherHub In this weeks episode of Making the Makers, we make the Small Skull by LeatherHub. Leathercraft
September 2021
32 CCC ShopTime: Making a Felt Foamblock Burnisher Today I am making a Felt-Foamblock burnisher for antiquing leather. Leathercraft Tool Making
31 CV I want your Feedback This video was posted to the Cross Cut Crafters Channel, since it is a VLog, I am posting it to Chris's Vlogs here on the PMG Site. Feedback Request
30 CCC Making the Makers ep.5 Custom DieselPunkRO Pin Cushion In this week's episode of Making the Makers, I make a custom pin cushion for my workbench from a patter by DieselPunkro. Leathercraft
29 CCC Making the Makers ep.4 Buffalo Skull Keyring This week on Making the Makers, we are very happy to present the Buffalo Skull Key Ring a leathercraft pattern by Creative Awl. Leathercraft
28 CCC Making the Makers ep.3: The Tiny Doctor In this weeks episode I make "The Tiny Doctor", a keychain-fob plague doctor mask. The pattern is by DieselPunkro. Leathercraft
27 CCC Making the Makers ep.2: Puncher's Cover This week we make the Puncher's Cover by Creative Awl. Leathercraft
August 2021
26 GZ Shipbreaker G.O.O.D. Stream #1
Part 2

Hello and welcome to the G.O.O.D. stream on the GamingZarek Channel.
Today you are joing me for a playthrough of ShipBreaker.
ShipBreaker is a work simulation game where your character operates in orbit, breaking down and recycling starships.
So what makes this a Good Stream?
Good is an acronym: meaning Getting Out Of Debt. In real life I am about 30k in debt; at the start of the game, I'm only a billion dollars in debt.
Somedays those two numbers feel identical...

25 GZ Shipbreaker G.O.O.D. Stream #1
24 CCC Making the Makers ep1: The Tiny Dragon Today we are making a tiny dragon. This pattern is from the Dieselpunk.ro. Leathercraft
December 2020
23 CCC Jacket Epaulette Repair with Button Snaps Check out Chris repair the Epaulettes on the warmest jacket he owns. Clothing Repair
February 2020
22 CV Chris's Vlogs- EP1- A Day in the Life Follow Chris through an average day in the life. Personal Vlog
November 2019
21 MMN Fire Memes Ep.6 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
20 MMN Fire Memes Ep.5 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
19 MMN Fire Memes Ep.4 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
18 MMN Police Memes Ep.3 Enjoy these Police and Law Enforcement themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
October 2019
17 MMN EMS Memes Ep.3 Enjoy these EMS themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
16 MMN Fire Memes Ep.3 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
15 MMN Police Memes Ep.2 Enjoy these Police and Law Enforcement themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
14 MMN Military Memes Ep.2 Enjoy these Military themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
13 MMN EMS Memes Ep.2 Enjoy these EMS themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
12 MMN Fire Memes Ep.2 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
11 MMN Police Memes Ep.1 Enjoy these Police and Law Enforcement themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
10 MMN Military Memes Ep.1 Enjoy these Military themed memes from all over the internet. (Some are from out of this world) Meme Compilation
9 MMN EMS Memes Ep.1 Enjoy these EMS themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
8 MMN Fire Memes Ep.1 Enjoy these Fire Department themed memes from all over the internet. Meme Compilation
May 2019
7 NC We Need Pie In this episode we show how to make French Silk Chocolate Pies. How to Cook
February 2019
6 NC Nerds Cook - Introduction and Kitchen Tour with Special Guest We have filmed the introduction of a few of the kitchens that have been offered for use by the channel. We also introduce one of the guest hosts that will be appearing on the channel. Introduction and Tour
5 PMG PMG Week In Review EP4 Your weekly update is here. Week in Review
4 CCC Cross Cut Crafters - Introduction and Shop Tour Join us as we introduce the channel and tour the shop in its current state. Introduction and Tour
3 PMG PMG Week In Review EP3 In this short week in review video we talk about what projects we have completed and what's to come. Week in Review
2 PMG PMG Week In Review EP2 In this short week in review video we talk about opening the website for user registration, a new feature on the site that is a work in progress, and what we have planned for the week to come. Enjoy! Week in Review
January 2019
1 PMG PMG Week In Review EP1 In this the first video for Peachoid Media Group we cover everything we have done up to this point as well as give you an overview of our other channels, the website and future plans for both. Week in Review