Website News
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- Written by: Chris
- Category: Website News
- Hits: 1100
We are happy to announce that we have officially started our 2024 production schedule.
In the coming weeks and months, look forward to the crafting content you have come to love on Cross Cut Crafters, and tons of handy-man projects on Chris's Vlogs. New content we are trying to spin-up includes, a firearms safety and maintenance channel, law enforcement cam commentary channel, and a political commentary channel. Stay Tuned!
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- Written by: Chris
- Category: Website News
- Hits: 1097
On Wed Oct 26th at approx 1:30am eastern, we started upgrading the website from Joomla version 4 to version 5.
This process by the developers is intended to be a simple upgrade process, however we are doing a clean install to eliminate any issues from old code and old extensions. At this time we just completed the swap-over of the code-base and now we need to move the content over. Below you will see out task list of what we need to do.
Install New Version of Joomla(Completed)- Install Community Builder and CBSubs
Install Articles Anywhere (Extension that builds the news releases articles)(Completed)Move all Articles(Completed)Setup Menu Items(Complete)Move all Images/Graphics(Completed)Install Forums(Completed)- Install Article Comment System
- Install Feedback/Contact System
Publish Footer(Completed)- Update Amazon Affiliate Links
This upgrade is taking place while I am at my day-job; between job-tasks. So expect changes to occur slowly and without warning.
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- Written by: Chris
- Category: Website News
- Hits: 1633
Hello everyone and welcome to PMG, my name is Christopher and I will be your host for this visit.
Below you will see our 15 most recent videos across all platforms and channels.
This list will automatically update when I add a new video without me having to amend this article manually.
Below that you will see a grouping of most recent videos by channel.
To your left you can follow the links to view a list of all content by channel.
Be sure to check out the bottom of the page for more information.
Be sure to tip your host. ;)
In today's video I tuft a rug from the crest of Demolitia; the fans of Demolition Ranch.
In today's video I take a piece of fan-art from the Fallout video game franchise and tuft a custom rug from it.
A local viewer helped us out and purchased a serger sewing machine for the channel. Here is a thank you to him and and unboxing video.
Today's video is news and updates for the Cross Cut Crafters Channel. We speak on reaching some benchmarks/milestones; Outline the new milestones; make a few channel announcements; and click-bail everyone by using a kitty-cat in the thumbnail.
Today I am proud to share with you my first tufted rug. This rug is the emblem for one of my local volunteer fire departments. After this rug was completed it was donated to the station.
In this video, I build a 2ft frame to use for rug tufting.
In this video, I build a 5ft frame to use for rug tufting.
In two previous videos, I remake a pocket pistol holster for my friend Lisa after her puppy turns her old one into a chew-toy. Set back and enjoy Lisa's reaction to getting her new holster.
In this episode of Shop-Time I make a second attempt at making a DIY Pocket Holster because the first attempt's final product was not up to my standards.
In this episode of Shop-Time my friend Lisa brings me a pocket holster to repair. This is my first attempt, stay tuned for the second.
In this episode of Shop Time, my friend Lisa brings me a project for the channel. We re-manufacture DIY-style the leather shifter boot for her car.
In this episode of Making the Makers, we make the 8-Pannel News-Boy Cap pattern by DieselPunkRo. You can find that pattern here.
Read more: Making the Makers ep.10: News-Boy Hat by DieselPunkRo
In this Making the Makers behind-the-scenes clip, Mikey gets his DieselPunkRO News Boy Cap. Stay tuned for the video where I make the cap.
After a more than two and a half year effort, I am finally making my Wigs for Kids hair donation. Thanks for joining me for this vlog and I hope to see you again soon.
- Details
- Written by: Chris
- Category: Website News
- Hits: 465
Added Tags to all articles.
Added a forum.
Started dealing with SNAFU.